There would hardly be anyone here who has never said anything in a social environment that they end up regretting later. When it comes to conversations at the workplace, we sometimes end up blabbering a little more than we should. Needless to say, this habit can lead one into some pretty sticky situations!
Additionally, the way you say something when you’re in the workplace is just as important as what you're actually saying. Your choice of words, temper, and tone, sends direct signals to your boss and co-workers and makes it easy for them to decide on, whether they made the right choice by hiring you in the first place. So “weighing your words” applies quite literally when it comes to office phrases and remarks.

Annie Spratt/Unsplash | When it comes to conversations at the workplace, we sometimes end up blabbering a little more than we should
On that note, here are some of those “off-limit” phrases that you must not use while being on duty. If you really want to build that professional, respectable and proactive employee image at work, these phrases aren’t the best way to go about it.
“This Office is A Joke!”
Keep up this attitude and pretty soon, you won’t even have an office to complain about. If you aren't happy with your current job, simply try switching to another one instead of ridiculing a workplace that your colleagues are perfectly happy with. You never know how many doors you’ll end up permanently closing for yourself with such comments..

Redd/Unsplash | If you aren't happy with your current job, simply try switching to another one instead of bad-mouthing it
“No Offense, BUT….”
Think of this phrase as an extension of "nothing personal". The minute you use these words, you're already said more than you should and it’s time you really thought about the next few words you’re about to utter. No matter how hard you’re not trying to get personal, in truth, as soon as you begin saying this phrase, you’re already there. If you’ve got something to say, there’s always a better and more professional way of speaking your mind.
“Jesus Christ, What the Hell!”
Sure, some office personnel might be comfortable with this type of obscene behavior, but in reality, that's not how you're supposed to behave in general. We get it, deadlines can be a little too much and the pressure can get to all of us but that is no excuse for such strong language and outbursts, even in an informal setting.
“Sorry, but it's Too Much!”
No one likes a cranky, ungrateful, and uncompromising team member. There will be times when you have to fill in for your fellow colleagues and perform tasks that are for the greater good of your team, department or company in general. When you’re presented with extra workload or unforeseen tasks wherein you’re covering for a co-worker, you should look at the situation in a more positive manner. After all, you might find yourself in the same situation down somewhere down the road and need a colleague to fill in for you too.

Mimi Thian/Unsplash | You should accept that there will be times when you have to fill in for your fellow colleagues and perform tasks that lead to a greater good
To Sum Up
Offices can be a pressure cooker of an environment sometimes and if you ask us, it's totally natural and healthy to vent feelings of frustration every now and then. But then again, there's a way and a place, of course. Hope you are mindful of social etiquette and courtesy the next time you decide to speak your mind.