Relationships are hard work. They constantly require attention and emotional investment in order for them to work out.
We often hear a lot of relationship advice from our friends and family, but while their intentions are always pure, the advice could be detrimental to your relations. Even the most common words we often hear in order to make our relationships work can do more harm than good. Here are some of the worst relationship tips, according to experts:
Your perfect match is just around the corner
There is no such thing as a perfect match. People are not meant to be perfect, and it is unfair of us to expect them to be flawless. Look out for what works for you, which traits match yours and it could be a great match for you overall.

JJ Jordan/Unsplash. Playing hard to get makes it difficult to find a suitable love interest.
Playing hard to get
This is one piece of advice mostly given to women. They are not encouraged to take the initiative when asking someone out. In fact, they are told to play hard to get, as it will apparently increase their attraction. But this can backfire. There are not many people who would pursue someone constantly who shows no signs of interest in them. To get to your match faster, it is better to show interest and express your likeness.

No Revisions/Unsplash. Make the first move if you like someone, and you will catch plenty of fish in the sea.
Not making the first move
Waiting for the other person to take initiative in asking you out could leave you hanging. There have been a number of instances where both the parties waited for the other to make the first move, but if no one did, a great potential match went to waste. It surely requires a lot of courage to go ahead and ask someone out, especially when they are giving you mixed signals. But once you start doing that, your love life would improve drastically.

Travis Grossen/Unsplash. There is no such thing as the perfect match or The One.
Finding ‘the one’
Having intense feelings, passion, and chemistry for someone doesn’t mean that they are the ultimate one. Your heart can play tricks on you, and the fluttering butterflies in your stomach can make you feel like this is your perfect match. However, more often than not, it's just the great chemistry of sweet beginnings, and things may not be as great as you think they can be.
Going to bed angrily
It is better to sleep after an argument, as it gives both of you time to cool down and think rationally. Trying to resolve the issue there and then could only lead to more quarrels.