The Military Never Looked This Good: The Stunning Female Soldiers You Cannot Miss!

Lior Mizrahi

With a reserve of nearly 500,000 troops, the Israeli military is among the world’s most feared armies. But you wouldn’t guess it by looking at Lior Mizrahi. This self-described blogger from Israel looks beautiful in uniform but is even more impressive when she’s all dolled up and ready for a night out.

Coming from a country that gave us women as beautiful as the Hadid sisters, Mizrahi loves to share the highlights of her life with her 21K Instagram fans. She was listed as one of the world’s most beautiful female soldiers in numerous online publications.

Anastasia Lenna

The Ukrainian beauty queen Anastasia Lenna isn’t running away from the fight as Vladimir Putin’s army steps into her native country. She decided to take up arms and share an unwavering message on social media: whoever “crosses the Ukrainian border with the intent to invade will be killed.”

The bravery of the woman named Miss Ukraine in 2015 has helped inspire many fellow Ukrainian citizens to do the same.

Victoria Potter Worsnop

After serving in the U.S. Navy, the online influencer Victoria Potter Worsnop started getting a lot of attention on the Internet. Now a Navy veteran, she makes for a bonafide social media superstar with over 114K followers. There are still plenty of military-related snaps on her profile, but her lingerie photoshoots are the real main attraction.

Worsnop is also a self-described “weeb!” The term refers to a non-Japanese person that’s obsessed with Japanese culture. A Twitch affiliate and gamer, this stunning former soldier also has a surprising “nerdy” side to her.

Italian Soldier

Italy is a country known for its fascinating history, cultural significance, and world-class gastronomy. But did you know that Italy also boasts a super-strong army made up of over 371,000 well-trained personnel?

The gorgeous female Italian “ninja” in the picture looks ready to take on any threat, but she’s actually a rarity in Italy’s powerful army… Sadly, Italy was the last NATO country to allow women to join the military. Today, Italy’s defense forces are still predominantly made up of men, with females making up less than 1% of the country’s armed forces.

British Soldiers

There was a time when women weren’t allowed in the British Army. However, it all changed when WW I started. As the first female soldiers proved that British ladies had all the courage and resilience of British men, more and more women began to join the military. As of December 2021, they make up for 11% of Britain’s armed forces.

The female British soldiers in the picture look beautiful and happy, but they know how much of a responsibility they have in hand. In 2008, British servicewoman Sarah Bryant was killed while serving in Afghanistan. She was only 26 years old.

Indonesian Soldier

If you live in the West, there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of the Indonesian military. However, the nation boasts the largest army of Southeast Asia, counting a whopping 240,000 enlisted soldiers. As per data from the TNI, out of all of Indonesia’s military personnel (including services personnel), 10% are women.

The Indonesian soldier in the picture is doing her part in promoting her country’s army, and we think her superiors even allowed her to wear a few cosmetics for this photo-op! She’s yet another excellent example of beauty, courage, and patriotism.

American Soldier

No, women in the military aren’t just there to look pretty. Even beauties like the active-duty American soldier in the picture were trained to resist the most brutal conditions and survive in the most daunting environments. And in case you’re wondering, there’s a reported 74,500 active-duty women in the U.S. Army today!

The risk is nothing short of real: in 2003, the female U.S. soldier Shoshana Johnson was shot and captured by Iraqi forces and kept in prison for over 20 days before being rescued. She was the first Black female prisoner of war in the history of the United States.

Russian Sniper

The Russian Army isn’t exactly enjoying a big moment of popularity in recent years, especially since the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out in 2022. Still, there’s no point in denying that Russia boasts some of the world’s most beautiful and talented female snipers.

Her identity is unknown, but the blue-eyed beauty in the picture follows the footsteps of the great Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a woman widely regarded as one of the most successful snipers of all time. With a whopping 309 confirmed deaths, Pavlichenko was a WW II Soviet sniper nicknamed “Lady Death.”

Swedish Soldier

Enviable cheekbones, a beautiful blonde mane, striking blue eyes: the Swedish population was gifted with plenty of gorgeous women. Some have even decided to pick up arms and fight for their country—or at least be ready to fight for it. As a modern socialist nation, Sweden is among the world’s most peaceful countries.

However, Sweden isn’t taking its peacefulness for granted and counts with an army that is exceptionally well-equipped and trained, albeit relatively small. The soldier in the picture, for instance, is holding a powerful AK-5C, a Swedish assault rifle.

North Korean Soldiers

You could easily mistake these North Korean soldiers for three young friends laughing at a coffeehouse. But that’s because the military is such a massive organization in North Korea that virtually everybody ends up being involved with it. Considering over 30% of the country’s population serves in the military, it’s no wonder there are plenty of beautiful ladies in Kim Jong-Un’s militia.

Despite being a relatively small and impoverished country, North Korea still has one of the world’s largest armies. Very much isolated from the outside world, the Asian nation spends about a quarter of its gross domestic product in the military.

Russian Soldier

You know that a country has a lot of beautiful female soldiers when they decide to host a beauty pageant for female military personnel only! Reportedly, army beauty pageants are a thing in Russia, and candidates are evaluated not only based on their looks but also their skills and talents.

In addition to testing military-related skills, the pageants also evaluate the women’s creative, culinary, and intellectual abilities. Strangely, we couldn’t find any evidence of a similar contest for male soldiers, which doesn’t make for a strong argument in favor of gender equality in Russia’s defense forces.

Canadian Soldiers

Canada is a country known for its niceness and is amongst the most peaceful in the world. The idea of watching Canadians fighting in a war may seem strange, but it’s not like the nation of the maple syrup isn’t ready to do so. Canada’s army may be relatively small, but it makes for a well-prepared and well-equipped one.

Some of the army’s best are women, like the two beauties seen in the picture. According to, at least 12 women are serving as general and flag officers in the Canadian Air Forces, meaning that joining the army is a viable career opportunity for any female Canadian patriot.

Julie Sletten

The Norwegian Air Force ACW Julie Sletten looks pretty impressive even when she’s wearing her official uniform. However, most people will recognize her for her work as a swimsuit model. A popular figure on social media, she has over 50K followers and loves to share snaps of her adventurous lifestyle.

Challenging the preconceived notion many people have of women in the military, Sletten is living proof you can be both beautiful and willing to take up the fight. The Norwegian Air Force counts with over 50 state-of-the-art F-35s multiple combat aircraft.

Swedish Soldier

As a country filled with beautiful women, Sweden has no shortage of gorgeous female soldiers. But hundreds of years before the Swedish military allowed women to enlist and fight for their country, a lady known as Carin du Rietz became the inspiration and embodiment of the Swedish female bravery.

In the 18th century, Carin du Rietz disguised as a man to enlist in the Royal Guard. She then became Sweden’s first Royal Guard female member, and she continued to serve even after she was forced to reveal her true identity to King Gustav III. Reportedly, the monarch was amused by her story.

Nerdy Peach

Formerly stationed overseas, the U.S. Army soldier known as Nerdy Peach looks like the kind of woman who’s gotten her priorities straight. In addition to bravely helping her country, this Instagram celeb has put in the hours she needed to complete her Bachelor of Science in Business Management.

Combining patriotism, beauty, and brains, this Insta beauty counts with approximately 71K followers on her profile. As if that wasn’t enough, she’s also a self-described virtual-coin consultant, making her the total package! She uses Instagram Stories to share free handy investment tips with her followers.

Emily Rebecca

Emily Rebecca is an American beauty from Alabama who’s been getting a lot of attention on social media for her work with the U.S. military. A proud servant of her country, Rebecca combines beauty with a non-stop need for adventure and has already attracted the attention of over 64K Instagram followers.

She describes herself as a “wandering free spirit,” and her lifestyle is proof of that. Whenever she’s not traveling with the army, she loves to go scuba diving, mountain climbing, and beach roaming. She’s often seen in the company of her beloved pet dogs, Leilani and Waco.

Prodigious Paola

When you subscribe to the popular YouTube channel of the Puerto Rican influencer Prodigious Paola, you’ll find a few makeup tutorials and videos about curves and combat boots. But Paola isn’t your typical online beauty queen; she’s an Air Force veteran who served her country for years before becoming an online celebrity.

Paola has since left the service, but she continues to stay in good shape by exercising regularly, as stated by the countless fitness snaps you can find on her Instagram. With approximately 28K followers, she also makes a huge impact with her bikini photos.

Taylor Nicole

It’s not often people get to witness an actual U.S. Army Reserves soldier being sworn in! But the blogger and online influencer Taylor Nicole decided to share the special moment with her Instagram followers. The publication was met with enthusiasm and followed by congratulating comments.

Whenever she’s not on active duty, Nicole loves to work on her Internet brand and participate in beautiful photoshoots. Her Instagram counts with over 17K followers and is a statement of her full life. She’s a patriot, beauty symbol, and a loving aunt who likes to spend time with her friends.

Leilani Hartley

If you’re an enemy of the United States, the last thing you want is to get in the way of the U.S. Army Sargeant Leilani Hartley. Serving her country isn’t her only passion, as Hartley is also a huge CrossFit fan who loves to lift weights and spend time at the gym.

Always working on improving her strength, Hartley’s enviable physique has helped her to gather the attention of approximately 40K Instagram fans. She has some swag, too, and her TikTok dancing videos have been getting a lot of hype, especially when she appears dressed in uniform.

Julia Adrift

When the U.S. Air Force veteran Julia Adrift left the military, the United States lost one of its most stunning soldiers. But don’t worry, it was all for a good reason! This patriot from Midwest (currently residing in Virginia) decided to snub the service for an even nobler role: becoming a mom.

Married to a firefighter, Adrift loves to spend time with her hubby and two children. They make for the perfect All-American family, so it’s no wonder over 36K Instagram admirers follow them. Adrift is also a self-described “believer” who loves homemaking, gardening, and holistic health.

Romanian Soldier

With the development of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict, Ukraine’s neighboring country of Romania was one of the first to feel the effects of an inevitable refugee crisis. More than that, Romania is also wary of the threat imposed by Vladimir Putin’s decision as president.

Luckily, the country can count on a sizable army that includes over 68,000 active members and 53,000 reserves. The percentage of women in the Romanian army is relatively small, sitting at less than 4%. However, they still managed to enlist breathtaking beauties like the soldier in the picture.

Colombian Soldier

Armies tend to be there to defend nations against foreign threats. But in a place so affected by drugs and violence like Colombia, all soldiers are expected to tackle threats coming from the inside.

For decades, Colombia’s army was forced to take on the deadly FARC guerrillas, which often hid in the jungle. For that reason, Colombian soldiers used a particular type of camouflage known as the m81 woodland camouflage pattern. It’s not the type of makeup most people would expect the female soldier in the picture to use, but she’s beautiful nonetheless.

Australian Soldier

Australia is a country known for its quality of life, gorgeous natural landscapes, and welcoming local population. But while war hasn’t been a defining part of Australia’s history, the land down under has a sizable army featuring about 59,000 active personnel and 28,000 reserves.

Women are a big part of Australia’s forces, making up 19.2% of their defense reserves as of 2020. Some of Australia’s female soldiers are bonafide beauties, too, just like the woman in the picture. However, Australia only ranked 44th in the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report. Women were permitted to apply for all positions except the Army’s special forces roles in January 2013.

Polish Soldier

With over 114,000 active-duty personnel, the Polish army counts with a strong Navy, Air Force, and Special Forces division. And while beauty doesn’t win any wars, there are plenty of gorgeous female soldiers in the Polish defense, as stated by the beautiful Polish soldier in the picture.

The most famous female Polish soldier ever is Wanda Gertz, who posed as a man to defend her country during WW I. She was later recognized as the commander of an all-female Polish battalion during WW II. She’s an example to every woman serving in Poland’s military.

Australian Soldiers

Posing in front of a military helicopter, these beautiful Australian Air Force soldiers look nothing short of dazzling. These three happy friends look ready to deal with whatever happens, and they’re most likely a part of the 5.05% of women serving as permanent Air Force pilots in Australia.

Women driving helicopters in Australia wasn’t always a thing. The first lady to do so was Rosemary Arnold, who worked as the country’s sole female helicopter driver for over a decade. She was also the first Aussie woman to own a helicopter charter company.

Mexican Soldiers

In 2000, Mexico decided to make a change and allow women to enlist in the army. As a result, the Mexican forces received a sizable number of new female candidates who combined bravery, talent, and beauty. They’re now an essential part of Mexico’s defense forces, made up of about 72,000 active members.

Many years before 2000, though, Mexican ladies known as Soldaderas were known to participate in the Mexican Revolution. Also known as Adelitas, they were essential for the resolution of the conflict, and some even reached the ranking of commanding officers.

Romanian Soldier

The picture shows yet another gorgeous woman who’s decided to enlist in the Romanian army. Breathtaking female soldiers is indeed a Romanian thing, and these valiant ladies were probably inspired by one of the country’s most famous heroines: Ecaterina Teodoriou.

A Romanian Scouts member, Teodoriou was a Romanian patriot who started by working as WW I nurse. Later, however, she decided to honor the death of her brother by becoming a front-line soldier. Unfortunately, she passed away in 1917, succumbing to battle at the tragically young age of 23.

Russian Soldiers

It’s hard to put a positive spin on the Russian army in the aftermath of Vladimir Putin’s vicious invasion of Ukraine. But one thing’s for sure: since the times preceding the Soviet Union, Russia’s been known for viewing women as viable, essential members of its military.

Gorgeous ladies continue to fight for the Russian forces today, but they’ve been doing so since WW I. At the time, Russia counted on at least seven female pilots, including the aviation pioneer Princess Eugenie Shakoskaya and the racing driver Sofya Alekseevna Dolgorukova.

Ukrainian Soldier

All hell broke loose in Ukraine in February 2022, when Vladimir Putin’s army suddenly invaded the country. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was forced to enact martial law, preventing any able adult man from leaving the country. But plenty of women decided to stay and fight, even if not forced to do so.

The Christian Science Monitor magazine published a piece on the Ukrainian women who decided to stay in their native country to resist the Russian invasion. Many have chosen to fight alongside their husbands, while others have joined the military. Their mission? To “keep Ukraine free.”