Happiness is not just a fleeting emotion we strive for, it is a basic human need, important for satisfaction in life. Think about what makes you happy. Now think what life would be like when it is taken away from you. The absence of happiness from life makes you miserable, makes you less productive and unmotivated, and can even lead to mental illnesses.
Here are a few ways you can instantly spark some joy in your life:

Scarlett Alt/Unsplash. Having some dark chocolate is an instant mood lifter.
Have some dark chocolate
Who doesn’t love chocolate? Eating dark chocolate can instantly uplift your mood. In a study of more than 13000 participants, people who had dark chocolate in the last 24 hours were 70% less likely to report any depressive symptoms, as compared to those who hadn’t had any dark chocolate at all.
Increase magnesium intake
Being low on magnesium also leads to feeling low and lethargic, significantly decreasing our happiness levels. Magnesium is something our body needs to function well, as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, keeping us relaxed and peaceful. Not having the required magnesium levels leads to stress and anxiety, and is also a major controbuting factor of depression. Having your leafy greens, pumpkin seeds and almonds are all great ways to incorporate magnesium in your diet.

Nico Smit/Unsplash. Spending money on charity can give you immense happiness.
Donate to a charity
By helping others and uplifting the more deserving people in our lives, we can gain a kind of happiness and satisfaction that is unparalleled to any other feeling. Decades of research back the notion that spending money on others increases our happiness. Choose causes and charities that are working on things you are passionate about–giving back to your community can easily spark some much-needed joy in your life.

OCG Saving The Ocean/Unsplash. Volunteering at a local soup kitchen and for causes dear to you can have a positive impact on your mental health.
Dedicating your time and efforts to a cause that you are passionate about, and getting involved in shelters and soup kitchens locally is equally great for your happiness too. The positive vibes during and after collectively volunteering for a cause can make people happier over time, as they dedicate their hours to a cause together, feeding off of each other’s positivity.
Create something
Making something with your hands, slowly honing your skills, learning new things, and seeing something blossoming in front of your eyes is a very rewarding experience indeed. Cooking, pottery, creating art, and sewing are just some of the activities you can take up to get your creative juices flowing and get happy in the process.