There's a saying that goes “money doesn't buy happiness,” and it is usually used to point out that people who are less financially secure can seek and live a good life regardless of the size of their bank account or to point out the unhappiness of wealthy people. And there is no denying that both of these things are true. It is not possible to go on a website and order a package of happiness, and no sum of money as the ability to, for example, mend a broken heart.
However, regardless of agreeing if money is or isn't the source of all evil, it most certainly has the ability to provide a person with the time and freedom that is needed to encourage and maintain a higher level of contentment.
The Value Of Money
Founder of the Y7 Yoga studios Sarah Levey believes that the effect of money on a person’s happiness is rarely ever about the value of material things. She admits that there’s no doubt that exotic vacations, huge houses, and branded clothes are all nice things to have; however, she and many others also believe that the value of money is found in the opulence it gives you to take risks as well as concentrate on the things that wake the sense of fulfillment within you. The difference is you are doing things like starting a business or going freelance or just doing whatever makes your heart happy.

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels | Rather than material things, the value of money is found in the sense of fulfillment that one feels from their work
The Price Of Less Income
A study conducted in 2021 by Matt Killingsworth who is a senior at Wharton School for business, revealed that a person’s well-being, in fact, does rise in line with income. We see a lot of people in our lives that seem unhappy because of many things, they seem to settle with as much as it is available or they are able to get. It's as if their financial growth is knocked out to the point where they are unable to reach the upper levels of happiness. Killingsworth says that while having money is good, it is not the best idea to define your self-worth with it or be fixated on it.

Kuncheek/Pexels | Being fixated on the money that you have made is not good for you
Money Buys Choices
If you are already in a place in your life where you are happy with what you have and who you are as a person, there is no doubt that having money, as well as the freedom of spending it on the things that you like and that are important to you will definitely bring you happiness. But it is not certain that every single person who lacks money will be unhappy, people with less income can still find thighs to be joyful about in their daily life, with family, hobbies, value in their work, and spending money on things that they are able to afford. The point that is being made is that certainly, money doesn't buy happiness within a single transaction, however, money is able to afford it.

Maitree/Pexels | Money can afford happiness however, it is not crucial for a person to have money in order to be happy